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Heaven Knows What | Review

Living Through Oblivion: Safdie Bros. Lens Devastating Tale of Desperation and Depravity on the Streets of NYC The story of how the directorial brothers Benny...

2014 TIFF: From Locarno with Love…Wavelengths Offers Rich Programme with Diaz, Costa, Piñeiro & Ming-liang

Yesterday, TIFF’s Wavelengths program unveiled a Locarno-heavy line-up of feature-length films that all aim to push the cinematic medium to its breaking point. Highlights...

Getting ‘Robbed’ before Cannes

I imagine that the past couple of months have been quite the thrill for indie filmmaker Joshua Safdie. After collecting accolades at South by Southwest Film Festival and riding the festival wave high of picking up an award at the Sarasota Film Festival, in a matter of one week


The Apprentice | Review

The Devil and Donald Trump: Abbasi Reconstructs the Rise...

Prix Iris 2024: Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person Leads “Quebec Oscars” Noms

Ariane Louis-Seize's Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (winner...