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SODEC Coin for Bertrand Bonello, Maxime Giroux, RKSS & Delphine Girard

Quebec's SODEC (the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles) are giving some coin to future international co-productions with Bertrand Bonello's La Bête leading the...

Top 100 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2022: #25. Bertrand Bonello’s La bête

La bête As we explored earlier on our countdown, Bertrand Bonello segued to micro-budget Coma while awaiting the greenlight for his ambitious triple era pronged...

Top 100 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2022: #35. Bertrand Bonello’s Coma

Coma It'll likely be known as the "interim" project between regularly funded features 2019's Zombi Child and the forthcoming La Bête, Bertrand Bonello (we did...

Top 150 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2019: #5. Zombi Child – Bertrand Bonello

Zombi Child Art-house auteur Bertrand Bonello returns with what’s described as a mix between ‘ethnology and fantasy’ for his eighth feature, Zombi Child. Following the...

Interview: Bertrand Bonello (Nocturama)

We sat down with Bertrand Bonello shortly after the North American premiere of his controversial new film Nocturama, which competed at the 2016 Toronto...
