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Top 150 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2019: #55. Ghost Town Anthology (Repertoire des villes disparues) – Denis Côté

Ghost Town Anthology (Repertoire des villes disparues) For his eleventh feature film, French-Canadian auteur Denis Côté adapts the first novel by Laurence Olivier (a Montreal...

Top 150 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2019: #126. Wilcox – Denis Côté

Wilcox Quebec’s Denis Côté looks to be ready with two new titles for 2019, the second of which will be Wilcox. Produced by Annie St-Pierre...

Top 3 Critics’ Picks in Theaters this July: Denis Côté, Bo Burnham & Iram Haq’s Top 3 Critics’ Picks offers a curated approach to the usual quandary: what would you recommend I see in theaters this month? Just...

A Touch of Evil: Denis Côté Casts “Répertoire des villes disparues”

At ease in both the fiction, docu and in hybrid forms, Denis Côté is moving back to fiction with a fantasy drama offering and...

Top 100 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2016: #46. Denis Côté’s Boris Sans Beatrice

Boris Sans Beatrice Director: Denis Côté Writer: Denis Côté French Canadian auteur Denis Côté fluctuates steadily between feature films and documentary, tending to win critical acclaim in...
