Search results for: Joseph H. Lewis

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Five Fingers for Marseilles | Review

Finger Food: Matthews Attempts to Mount a Western in Modern Colonialist Trauma Kudos to director Michael Matthews and screenwriter Sean Drummond for taking the time...

Terror in a Texas Town (1958) | Blu-ray Review

Revered as one of the premiere B film directors from the late 1930s to 1950s, Joseph H. Lewis is known to Western and noir...

The Conversation: Top 10 American Indie Filmmakers Missing in Action

No film buff wants to see a promising, or prominent filmmaker pull a disappearing act a la Terrence Malick, (though it seems he isn't keen to...

British Film Noir Collection | DVD Review

In a novel effort to stress that film noir wasn’t a film movement specifically an output solely produced for American audiences, Kino Lorber releases...

2023 Sundance Film Festival: 99 Features Films Selected!

Highly anticipated films from Brandon Cronenberg, William Oldroyd, Cory Finley, Ira Sachs, Sophie Barthes and Sebastian Silva and directorial debuts from the likes of...
