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TIFF 2010 Top 10 New Faces: #6. Jake M. Johnson

Kudos go to Max Winkler for writing a character that might resemble the classic jerk, but comes across as something slightly different. Every film set within a wedding context always manages to include a wedding drunk --- it comes with the territory...but with Ceremony, it would be a mistake to catalogue Jake M. Johnson's perf and character in the same bunch.

TIFF 2010: Discovery Section Highlights in Attenberg, Ceremony, Dirty Girl, Beautiful Boy and Look, Stranger

Deemed as a showcase for innovative new filmmakers, some noticeable inclusions begin with a Greek film hitting the Venice Film Festival that we've profiled on more than one occasion (ATTENBERG), and the world premieres for: Shawn Ku's Beautiful Boy and an opposite sounding title in Abe Sylvia's Dirty Girl, we have Max Winkler's directorial debut Ceremony - featuring Uma Thurman, and a Filmmaker Magazine 25 New Faces mentioned Arielle Javitch and her debut film, Look, Stranger.

Jungleland [Video Review]

In Like a Lion: Winkler Traces Boxer on the Struggle Bus in Familiar Melodrama If you’re going to San Francisco, there might not be anymore...

The Conversation: Time for TIFF 2019 – Predictions!

The Toronto International Film Festival is set to unspool its latest monolithic program. A major cue to set Oscar season into motion, the line-up...

Top 50 Most Anticipated American Indie Films of 2019: A Prelude

At the beginning of the year, we gave our readers an overview of the most anticipated foreign films for the new year (Top 150...


The Apprentice | Review

The Devil and Donald Trump: Abbasi Reconstructs the Rise...