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Interview: Neil Jordan

“Oh, serious, serious, serious!” Patrick “Kitten” Brady Few years after the forgettable The Good Thief , Neil Jordan comes back in perfect shape for what can...

Tribeca Film Joins the Convo; Neil LaBute’s Thorny “Some Velvet Morning” Gets December Date

Once again, Tribeca Film's Nick Savva doesn't need to look too far to find some theatrical slate filler. Among the pile of unbought leftovers...

Jordan’s Ondine Netted by Magnolia

I caught Neil Jordan's Ondine at the Toronto Int.Film Festival last September, and the first after-thought I had was, this'll be a tough sell. Not that the fabric of the film is off-putting -- you have your male lead in Colin Farrell, that I think people are generally interested in watching, but then you have a Sigur Ros singing mermaid, a divorced parent subplot with a spirited child years beyond her age stuck in a wheel chair (there is a resemblance to Hayao Miyazaki's Ponyo) and you have antagonistic forces in the presence of a pair of thugs plotting their presence in a picturesque village that awkwardly don't measure up.

TIFF Picks 09: Neil Jordon’s Ondine

I can't say that I was itching to see this fantasy fish tale, Neil Jordan is a hit and miss director in my books, but then I learned who the cinematographer was. I look forward in seeing how Christopher Doyle and Neil Jordan partnership will work with all things Irish.

Toronto hosts World Preems for Leaves of Grass and Ondine

Presented at last year's TIFF as a soon to be lensed project, Leaves of Grass returns as a full fledged offering with Edward Norton to the power of two (see still). Tim Blake Nelson got to present his last picture as a director The Grey Zone two days after 9/11. Also in the special presentation category we find Neil Jordan's Ondine, a fantasy pic that might remind some people out there of Splash.


Lingering Influence: Meryem Benm’Barek Filming ‘Behind the Palm Trees’

A project initially scheduled for a 2023 shoot has...