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TIFF 2010: 25 World Premieres to be Announced

After holding back for about a month's time, today at 10:00 a.m. EST, Cameron Bailey and Piers Handling will announce the first wave of films to be part of the 35th festival edition and with Venice releasing their list tomorrow, TIFF will measure up by throwing out some huge red-carpet titles (25 to be exact). Tweeted by Bailey, 8 Gala World Premiere titles and 17 Special Presentation World Premiere titles are expected to be mentioned at the press conference.

2010 Toronto Int. Film Festival Predictions

You'd think a festival with 300 + film title offerings would pretty much covers all bases, but I think there'll be more broken hearts than usual as a result of the unbalanced production year that was 2009. Like a vintage year for wine, Toronto International Film Festival co-directors Piers Handling and Cameron Bailey should see in 2010, a significantly higher number of World and North American premieres (loads from Cannes and Venice) than previous years for the 35th edition.

2011 Oscar Predictions: Best Picture

Here it is folks. My predictions for the ten Best Picture nominees. Let me know what you think ... what would you take out and what would you replace it by. Worth noting: I'm aware that the category was enlarged to include animation, but I think 2011 will be an "off-year".

Betty Anne Waters: Fox Searchlight’s Oscar Bait for 2011?

Fox Searchlight have made their first "public appearance" with Betty Anne Waters - a simple send out to all the media with the pic below and a mention of a fall release. As I mentioned before, I think they are hedging their bets early underlining that they thought they had a leader of the pack pick with Hilary Swank in Amelia and are looking to make amends with a picture that fans of Crazy Heart and The Blind Side might like.

More Swank for Fox Searchlight: Betty Ann Waters is Oscar Bait for 2011?

The Fox Searchlight titled tanked at the B.O., but an important lesson was learnt - the "beat the system type" characters can be positioned for Oscar - I'm citing The Blind Side and Crazy Heart, another Searchlight film that was thrown into the hat late, and managed to grab a pair of acting noms as an example. Something tells me that today's deal for Betty Ann Waters - a David vs. Goliath biopic will ensure that the indie division remains relevant/profitable/award-proof in market.
