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2022 Locarno Film Festival: Mazuy, Wittmann, Murat, Verheyde & Woo Ming Jin Vying for the Golden Leopard

It'll be a field of seventeen competition offerings from the likes of master filmmaker Aleksandr Sokurov (Fairytale) to a pair of first time (not...

Top 150 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2020: #117. The Best is Yet to Come – Wang Jing

The Best is Yet to Come Jia Zhang-ke made headlines at this year’s Pingyao International Film Festival when he announced a trio of new projects...

Top 150 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2020: #119. Les Années 10 – Thierry de Peretti

Les Années 10 Long time actor and director Thierry de Peretti should have his highly anticipated third feature, Les Années 10 (formerly known as L’Infiltre)...


Emilia Pérez | Review

Risky Business: Audiard Surprises with Vibrant Genre Musical Although...

Blitz | Review

London Has Fallen: McQueen Explores Life During Wartime Following his...

Youth (Hard Times) | Review

Make the Best of Us: Bing’s ‘Youth’ Cycle Expands...