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Top 100 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2016: #82. Wim Wenders’ The Beautiful Days of Aranjuez

The Beautiful Days of Aranjuez Director: Wim Wenders Writers: Peter Handke, Wim Wenders Although we weren't very enthusiastic about Wenders' 2015 3D Canadian set narrative Everything Will...

Top 100 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2015: #76. Wim Wenders’ Every Thing Will Be Fine

Every Thing Will Be Fine Director: Wim Wenders // Writers: Bjorn Olaf Johannssen New German Wave auteur Wim Wenders has lately been focusing on documentaries, both...

Top 200 Most Anticipated Films for 2014: #56. Wim Wenders’ Everything Will be Fine

Everything Will Be Fine Director: Wim Wenders Writer: Bjorn Olaff Johanessenn Producers: Gian-Piero Ringel, Erwin M. Schmidt U.S. Distributor: Rights Available Cast: Rachel McAdams, James Franco, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Marie-Josée...

2013 Cannes Film Festival Predictions: Wim Wenders & Juliano Ribeiro Salgad’s Shade & Light

#98. Shade & Light Gist: Co-directed with Juliano Salgado (the subject's son), Shade & Light focuses on photographer and explorer Sebastião Salgado’s latest work an...

Top 100 Most Anticipated Films of 2011: Wim Wenders’ Pina

Can't say I've cared much for Wenders work, at least not since 99's Buena Vista Social Club and I don't care much for modern dance, but after having seen the trailer I'm starting to think that this is one of the rare times where I'm excited for what 3D can do. Looking at the trailer, this looks like a mixture between Fellini and Greenaway's work, Pina Bausch's modern dance influence is about to receive the ultimate tribute.
