
Bowing out with a Money Maker? Picturehouse sets ‘The Women’ in Motion

Packing more estrogen than the current Sex and the City: The Movie, it’s no accident that the almost clinically dead Picturehouse Films (who fall into the same WB umbrella as the soon to be dearly departed outfits of New Line and WIP) are getting a leg up on promoting the next chick flick The Women.

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Packing more estrogen than the current Sex and the City: The
, it’s no accident that the almost clinically dead Picturehouse Films (who fall into the same WB umbrella as the soon to be dearly departed  outfits of New Line and WIP) are getting a leg up on promoting the next chick flick, The Women.

The remake (an update of 1939 George Cukor’s film by the same name) features a slew of A-list actresses in Annette Bening, Eva Mendes, Jada Pinkett Smith, Debra Messing, Meg Ryan, a dusted-off Bette Midler and Candice Bergen (who reunites with her Murphy Brown director Diane English).

The whose-man-is-it-anyways story line set among the New York skyline, with venomous stares and troubled marriages proposes itself as a zany comedy about the strength of gal pals. I’ve yet to see the original, but I have a feeling how this one might end. Set for an early fall release (September 12th), you can watch the less than desirable trailer (whose aim is to speak to the yo-go-girl masses) below.

To watch the trailer click on the image below:

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