
Fantasia 2010 Viral: Steven R. Monroe’s I Spit on Your Grave

At Fantasia’s world premiere of I Spit on Your Grave, bad positioning and a large crowd resulted in this brief glimpse of lead actress Sarah Butler, who did say, among other things, that she did little prep work for her role as a rape victim out for revenge because she felt it was more truthful to simply react to the brutality during shooting.

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[Editor’s Note: This was published during the 2010 edition of the Fantastia Int. Film Festival. We are republishing the article to coincide with the theatrical release.]

At Fantasia’s world premiere of I Spit on Your Grave, bad positioning and a large crowd resulted in this brief glimpse of lead actress Sarah Butler, who did say, among other things, that she did little prep work for her role as a rape victim out for revenge because she felt it was more truthful to simply react to the brutality during shooting. That’s followed by executive producer (and director of the 1978 original) Zeir Machri introducing director Steven R. Monroe, who explains his reaction to the original when he saw it as a teenager and his desire to direct it when he found out the rights had been acquired for a remake. Be sure to also check out our review of the film.



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