
Fox Atomic Reels in “Iaconelli Story”

Who doesn’t love an underdog sports film from the city of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia. First, Sylvester Stallone gave us Rocky, then four more Rockys. This week, the Marky Mark Wahlberg vehicle Invincible comes out. Then in December, Rocky 6 enters the ring. And next year, the great Philly sports film tackles a new sport: Bass fishing. Yes, the high-powered, tenacious, and nerves-of-steel sport of Bass Fishing. Mike Iaconelli, the 2003 Bassmaster Classic Champion, has signed away the rights to his life story, “Fishing on the Edge,” to Fox Atomic, which has added another stellar title to their growing library of other stellar titles, like Revenge of the Nerds: The Remake
and 28 Days Later 2: 28 Weeks Later.

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> Fishing on the Edge
> Fox Atomic

Who doesn’t love an underdog sports film from the city of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia. First, Sylvester Stallone gave us Rocky, then four more Rockys. This week, the Marky Mark Wahlberg vehicle Invincible comes out. Then in December, Rocky 6 enters the ring. And next year, the great Philly sports film tackles a new sport: Bass fishing. Yes, the high-powered, tenacious, and nerves-of-steel sport of Bass Fishing. Mike Iaconelli, the 2003 Bassmaster Classic Champion, has signed away the rights to his life story, “Fishing on the Edge,” to Fox Atomic, which has added another stellar title to their growing library of other stellar titles, like Revenge of the Nerds: The Remake
and 28 Days Later 2: 28 Weeks Later.

Fishing on the Edge: The Mike Iaconelli Story will tell the story of the aforementioned Michael as he grows from a New Jersey youth to the king of the pro fishing world. Supposedly, Iaconelli is one of the few people north of the Carolinas to be a professional fisherman (an “angler”), because Southerners are much, much more talented at fishing than Northerners. It’s all in the wrist, they say.

What more can I say about Iaconelli? According to his website, his favorite movie is Evil Dead 2, he enjoys the sweet sounds of Jay-Z and the DefTones, he loves the Waffle House, and his favorite Broadway show is Wicked. Look for yourself: Iaconelli’s Bio. That’s pretty much all you need to know about this man of mystery. I wouldn’t want to spoil too much of the plot. No word yet if Jacques Costeau or the guy who made Speed 2: Cruise Control are available to direct.

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