
Horror has 2 new names!

For all you horror buffs out there who have been disappointed with recent attempts
at gory horror movie revivals (I’m looking at you, Roth), hope is still
on the horizon in the form of Grind House, a joint venture headed
by the awesomeness that is Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez.

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For all you horror buffs out there who have been disappointed with recent attempts
at gory horror movie revivals (I’m looking at you, Roth), hope is still
on the horizon in the form of Grind House, a joint venture headed
by the awesomeness that is Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. I’m jumping
the gun here, ‘cuz I’m not that big a fan of Rodriguez, and for Tarantino
to have been involved in producing manure like Hostel, well,
that’s where my faith takes a backseat. For those chatroom posters who claimed
it made Saw II look like Mary Poppins, you deserve
the beating of your life. Administered by me. But I somehow have faith in this,
and I hope to not be proven wrong. It just screams super happy fun time.

Both will be directing two 60 minute segments, including a fake sexploitation
trailer squeezed in between both movies called Cowgirls in Sweden
(titles like that give me needs). Rodriguez’ half will apparently be about
zombies with the title Project Terror, while Tarantino’s half will be his
take on the slasher genre called Deathproof. So far, as casting
goes, John Jarratt (Wolf Creek), Alicia Rachel Marek (Baywatch:
Hawaiian Wedding
) and Rodriguez whipping boy Danny Trejo (From
Dusk Till Dawn
) are attached.

Now what the hell is it about zombies that keeps making us come back like the
afore-mentioned mindless undead? Even if a zombie flic is slightly mediocre,
it’s still pretty damn cool to watch! I think zombies should be included
in that category with chimps dressed up as people and girls jumping on trampolines.
Can you believe Benny Hill was gay?

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