
How the Weinsteins are making a muck with talents Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury

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Even though it was indeed the Weinsteins that picked up the Cannes selected, film festival favorite for one of their labels, I don’t think I was setting myself up to get my hopes up for the possibility of a big screen release for a picture I finally caught at the Toronto Film Festival. Yes the amount of gore is audaciously unsettling in Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury’s debut Inside (À
, but for some reason I thought it could get a small..okay, very small release. Other than a showing at Lincoln Film Center, this one is never will get a proper release – instead it is going the direct-to-DVD route (with awful cover box art) for the Dimension Extreme label. 

Despite the state of their first film, The Weinsteins took notice of the talent of these two French filmmakers were perhaps going to be the new QT and Kevin Smiths of the Bob and Harvey stable. It certainly looked that way when in October of last year, the two were attached to direct the ambitious re-start to a franchise gone dead. This week, unfortunately confirms that the pair are no longer going to direct Clive Barker
Presents: Hellraiser
. I’m not concerned for the filmmakers as they have a very bright future ahead, but too bad for the pinhead fans –  who could have relived some of the precious seen yesteryear memories.

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