
Kurt Russell is “Death Proof”

So much good “Grind House” news coming out of the Comic Con this year! It was reported earlier this year that Quentin was excited and optimistic that the star of his half of the film (entitled “Death Proof”) would be none other then Mickey Rourke, but I guess things change.

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So much good “Grind House” news coming out of the Comic Con this year! It was reported earlier this year that Quentin was excited and optimistic that the star of his half of the film (entitled “Death Proof”) would be none other then Mickey Rourke, but I guess things change. It was announced by QT that a deal was finalized with the “Soldier” himself, Kurt Russell, on Friday night to take the leading role of slasher Stuntman Mike. Talk about casting someone in need of a comeback! Quentin went on the say that he thinks its the best role he’s ever written, and that his half of the film will most likely be longer then 1 hour! When you add in “Planet Terror” and the fictitious trailers in between each feature, we’re looking at 3 hours of fun! If only we had the right type of theaters to show this film in…

They also showed some footage, which I assume was mostly from Rodriguez’s half (that man is productive!), and I’m thinking will leak its way onto the triple W in the coming weeks.

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