
Live from Fantasia : Right at Your Door

First time feature director Chris Gorak explores what a coordinated attack on Los Angeles might look like from the perspective of it’s frightened citizens and their ill-prepared government (preposterous scenario, right?).

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Right at Your Door (USA, 2006)
Director: Chris Gorak

First time feature director Chris Gorak explores what a coordinated attack on Los Angeles might look like from the perspective of it’s frightened citizens and their ill-prepared government (preposterous scenario, right?).

When a trio of ‘dirty’ bombs rocks L.A. releasing airborne chemicals, it becomes every man and woman for themselves – even when their husband and wife.

Since invisible toxins lack visual flair, mayhem takes a backseat to the film‘s characters as they struggle to come to grips with their impossible situation before the film ends with one final, disturbing ace up it’s sleeve

With a budget of only 500K USD, Gorak calls in some favors from his days as a Hollywood production designer to add polish to his film. With bombs a very real danger in most of Europe, and the aftermath of the U.S government’s response to Katrina in the not too distant past, this film still manages to feel timely and relevant.

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