
Magnet Releasing on the Attack: Grab ‘Hobo With A Shotgun’ Before Sundance Preem

Magnet Releasing have made the first true pre-Sundance Film Festival pick-up grabbing the rights to Jason Eisener’s directorial debut film which already looks to be one of the highlights in the Park City at Midnight section. Hobo With A Shotgun receives a Midnight section of Sundance on January 21 and will surely be found at SXSW before a theatrical release.

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Magnet Releasing have made the first true pre-Sundance Film Festival pick-up grabbing the rights to Jason Eisener’s directorial debut film which already looks to be one of the highlights in the Park City at Midnight section. Hobo With A Shotgun receives a Midnight section of Sundance on January 21 and will surely be found at SXSW before a theatrical release.

Gist: A vigilante homeless man (Rutger Hauer) pulls into a new city and finds himself trapped in urban chaos, a city where crime rules and where the city’s crime boss reigns. Seeing an urban landscape filled with armed robbers, corrupt cops, abused prostitutes and even a pedophile Santa, the Hobo goes about bringing justice to the city the best way he knows how – with a 20-gauge shotgun. Mayhem ensues when he tries to make things better for the future generation. Street justice will indeed prevail.

Worth Noting: It’s been well publicized in the blogosphere and is worth repeating here: this film is the long form of an idea that was sprouted from a SXSW competition to create a trailer like the mock ones we found in Grindhouse.

Do We Care?: We weren’t fans of Eisener’s Treevenge, but mind you we find campy horror a genre hard to swallow even in short film form. Could be fun if we turn our brains at the “off” position.



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