
Magnolia smokes out ‘Signal’

Imagine premiering your film for the first time in front of audiences (that happen to include buyers) and having the door blocked off after the screening. This is what seems to have happened in the case of writers-directors David Bruckner, Jacob Gentry and Dan Bush. Magnolia Pictures bought the North American, Aussie and U.K. rights to the film for close to 2 million.

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Imagine premiering your film for the first time in front of audiences (that happen to include buyers) and having the door blocked off after the screening. This is what seems to have happened in the case of writers-directors David Bruckner, Jacob Gentry and Dan Bush. Magnolia Pictures bought the North American, Aussie and U.K. rights to the film for close to 2 million.  

The Signal imagines what would happen if every cell phone, radio, and television in your city suddenly broadcasting the same mysterious signal over and over. Now imagine these “terminus” transmissions evoking violent, uncontrollable, psychotic chaos from everyone who comes in contact with them. The Signal invades the minds of everyday citizens living their workaday lives and having their sordid affairs. Suddenly struck by the power of the insidious transmissions, they are compelled to kill or be killed. Complicating matters is a zombie-like resistance some characters have to the idea of remaining dead. The story violently explodes, blending bloody gore with psychological satire, for a truly original horror experience.

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