
More ‘Details’ Emerge for Estes’ Black Comedy

The script is not an original from Estes, but rather, a script he came across while working on a rewrite for Mark Gordon – who will be producing The Details with Bryan Zuriff and Hagai Shaham.

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Production Weekly had the leg up on Variety reporting that James McAvoy and Laura Linney had joined Jacob Estes sophomore film, today, Variety fills in blanks and tells us that actresses Elizabeth Banks and Brit Anna Friel (who is set for William Monahan‘s London Boulevard) have joined the black comedy which concerns a couple, to be played by McAvoy and Banks, who discover an infestation of racoons in their back yard. Disagreements over how to deal with the animals lead to an escalating series of events.

If we think back to Mean Creek (a drama that in my estimation was one of the best debuts of 04′) – this is a sign that tells us that Estes might be drawn to human dramas that draw upon several POVs. The script is not an original from Estes, but rather, a script he came across while working on a rewrite for Mark Gordon – who will be producing The Details with Bryan Zuriff and Hagai Shaham. Ergo Films is financing the project. ContentFilm is handling worldwide sales.

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