
Olive Films Getting Ready for Theatrical Birth of Benedek Fliegauf’s ‘Womb’

Olive Films will be presenting not one, but two films at TIFF next month, they’ve got the rights to Rafi Pitts’ The Hunter, and have grabbed the highly anticipated French-German-Hungarian co-production that just preemed in Locarno. Prospects look good for Benedek Fliegauf’s Womb – it stars Eva Green and works with the basic cloning/sci-fi premise.

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Clearly lovers of foreign language films are being under-served in the U.S. and this is why I’m likingthe direction that Olive Films is taking with their film slate. The distribution co. has, for the better part of the year, started to include small NYC and L.A. theatrical releases prior to home entertainment phase. Now Olive Films will be presenting not one, but two films at TIFF next month, they’ve got the rights to Rafi Pitts’ The Hunter, and have grabbed the highly anticipated French-German-Hungarian co-production that just preemed in Locarno. Prospects look good for Benedek Fliegauf’s Womb – it stars Eva Green and works with the basic cloning/sci-fi premise. I’m assuming that this becomes a flagpole release for the company in 2011.



Synopsis: As children, Rebecca and Tommy establish a fairy-tale romance. After being separated for many years, they are reunited as adults and their attraction is stronger than ever. But their passionate relationship is short-lived when Tommy is killed in a freak car accident. Devastated, Rebecca feels that life cannot go on without him. She turns to the controversial “Department of Genetic Replication” and her consuming love compels her to bear a new Tommy in her womb. Life with little Tommy is full of joy and wonder, and Rebecca devotes herself to “just us two”, living isolated in a middle-of-nowhere coastal community. But as the years pass, Rebecca cannot fully escape the complexities of her decision. How long will she be able to hide the truth from new Tommy and nosy townsfolk? Can she protect him from prejudice against “copies”? When he grows to manhood in the exact image of her beloved, how will Rebecca explain away the confusing urges that new Tommy doesn’t understand? Chilling answers unravel as Rebecca prepares for the bittersweet fruition of a lifelong dream…

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