
TIFF 2010: Our Day Will Come (Notre jour viendra)

Coming on the heels of his Born Free the M.I.A video, Romain Gavras continues his whaling on the gingers, or as he refers to them: the “inferior” race. Notre jour viendra premiered at TIFF one week ago, and it’s a difficult pic to sum up. The narrative is messed up and works with it’s own set of rules.

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Coming on the heels of his Born Free the M.I.A video, Romain Gavras continues his whaling on the gingers, or as he refers to them: the “inferior” race. Notre jour viendra premiered at TIFF one week ago, and it’s a difficult pic to sum up. The narrative is messed up and works with it’s own set of rules. Last sunday was the world preem — among the giddy audience there were some actors spilling over from Little White Lies and M.I.A and Midnight Madness curator Colin Geddes was there to present Gavras, Olivier Barthelemy and Vincent Cassel – who from the responses from the after screening Q&A not only sounds like a pro, but you get a sense that he supports these type of unclassifiable films. Can’t wait to commence my review of the film — certainly nowhere close to being a favorite, but a film that managed that remain with me well after having seen it.

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