
TIFF 2010 Top 10 New Faces: #7. Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin

Backtrack in Denis Villeneuve’s body of work and you’ll notice two things: the lead always goes to an actress, and the role is usually a career changer for the thesp. If you’re a French Canadian you might know Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin from a couple of local feature film projects, and if you saw Incendies in Venice, Telluride or TIFF you’ll have seen her take on the role of an adult daughter putting closer to one hell of a family secret.

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#7. Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin – Incendies

Backtrack in Denis Villeneuve’s body of work and you’ll notice two things: the lead always goes to an actress, and the role is usually a career changer for the thesp. If you’re a French Canadian you might know Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin from a couple of local feature film projects, and if you saw Incendies in Venice, Telluride or TIFF you’ll have seen her take on the role of an adult daughter putting closer to one hell of a family secret. It’s a dramatic role that doesn’t draw too much attention to itself — makes perfect sense when the core of the film are the connecting themes, and a family tree’s roots that sprawl into more than one direction.


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