
Top 100 Most Anticipated Films of 2008: #100 In the Electric Mist

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#100.In the Electric Mist

: Bertrand Tavernier (A Sunday in the Country)
Screenwriters: Tommy Lee Jones, Jerzy and Mary-Olson Kromolowski
: Frédéric Bourboulon (Holy Lola) and Michael Fitzgerald (The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada)
Distributor: Currently Seeking Distribution

The Gist: Scripted by Jerzy and Mary Olson-Kromolowski and Jones, this is an adaptation of James Lee Burke’s novel, which centers on Cajun detective Dave Robicheaux. New Iberia Lt. Dave Robicheaux is trying to link the murder of a local hooker to New Orleans mobster Julie (Baby Feet) Balboni–back in his home parish as co- producer of Hollywood director Michael Goldman’s Civil War film–when sozzled/psychic movie-star Elrod Sykes, pulled over for drunk driving, starts babbling about a corpse he found in the Atchafalaya Swamp–the corpse of a black man Dave had seen murdered 35 years before.

Fact: This is veteran French director’s English-language debut. 

See It: Very curious to see this swampy mystery especially with Kelly Macdonald and Tommy Lee Jones – both are coming off great perfs in the Coen Bros’s NCFOM.

Release Date/Status?: Look for a Cannes film festival 2008 world premiere followed by a battle for domestic rights.


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