
Top 100 Most Anticipated Films of 2008: #68 New York, I Love You

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#68. New York, I Love You

Fatih Akin, Woody Allen, Yvan Attal, Albert and Allen Hughes, Wen Jiang, Scarlett Johansson, Joshua Marston, Anthony Minghella, Mira Nair, Chan-wook Park, Brett Ratner, Andrei Zvyagintsev
Writers: Apart from most of the names mentioned above, add: Alexandra Cassavetes, Hu Hong, Shunji Iwai, Olivier Lécot, Suketu Mehta

Producers: Emmanuel Benbihy, Marina Grasic, Marianne Maddalena
Distributor: Currently Seeking Distribution

The Gist: Each director will create a five-minute segment
about a love encounter in a district of the five boroughs for a
100-minute long final cut.

Fact:  NYC’s own Scarlett Johansson will be making her directorial debut.

See It: Hopefully we can expect something as good or better than the hallmark card to the city of lights (Paris, je t’aime). 

Release Date/Status?: Currently in pre-production, William Morris Independent will sell to the highest bidder. A NYFF premiere would make logical sense.


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