
Top 100 Most Anticipated Films of 2008: #69 Married Life

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#69. Married Life

Ira Sachs
Writers: Oren Moverman (I’m Not There) and Sachs

Producers: Steve Golin (Babel), Jawal Nga (Forty Shades of Blue), Sidney Kimmel (Lars and the Real Girl) and Sachs
Distributor: Sony Pictures Classics

The Gist: Based on British
pulp mystery John Bingham novel “Five Roundabouts to Heaven,” this is
set in San Francisco in 1949. It’s the story of a middle-aged man who
is married, and who falls in love with another woman, but he’s such a
gentle figure, so he decides that to divorce his wife would humiliate
her too much, so it’s better to kill her.

Fact:  Sachs is the filmmaker behind the Sundance film festival Grand Jury Prize-winning Forty Shades of Blue.

See It: Quartet of actors are absolutely great: makes for adult fair for those who like the witty and sultriness-like mysteries and humor a la Hitchcock.

Release Date/Status?: March 7th release.


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