
Top 100 Most Anticipated Films of 2009: #97. Black Water Transit

I’ve got low expectations for this picture — but Kaye proved with docu Lake of Fire that he still has a voice worth considering.

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#97. Black Water Transit

Director: Tony Kaye 
Writer: Matt Chapman (Runaway Jury)
Producers: Michael Cerenzie, Christopher Eberts, Kia Jam, Robert Katz, Paul Parmar, Arnold Rifkin
Distributor: Rights Available. Capitol Films

The Gist: New Orleans is a city in chaos, picking up the pieces after hurricane Katrina. Black Water Transit’s owner, Jack Vermillion (Laurence Fishburne) is trying to break away from the life of crime he grew up in and conduct a legitimate business. Jack is tortured by thoughts of his only son Gary, who is in prison endangering his own life with his self destructive behavior and aggressive attitude towards the other inmates. When the mysterious Earl Pike (Karl Urban) approaches Jack to ship an enormous stash of guns, he decides to expose Earl to District Attorney Schick in exchange for Gary’s protection. Jack’s plan, however, is jeopardised by the fact that Sardoonah (Brittany Snow), a prostitute he has taken under his wing, is falling in love with Earl and might be shifting her loyalty.

Fact: Kaye directed Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks in This is Not Sex.

Why is it on the list?: I’ve got low expectations for this picture — but after almost a decade without much work, Kaye proved with docu Lake of Fire that he still has plenty of game left in him. 

Release Date/Status?: Without any big names, Capitol Films will work hard to find buyers worldwide. If Thinkfilm is still in business, I imagine we might see a small Fall release. 


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