
Top 100 Most Anticipated Films of 2010: Nicole Holofcener’s Please Give

Fifty years from now when folks will be curious about how the modern day woman lived, how they did their “Walking and Talking” they’ll just have to have themselves a Nicole Holofcener festival. You appreciate her for how she examines different neurosis among the estrogen segment of the population and her employment of go-to muse Catherine Keener. I’m guessing this is a continuation of the central theme examined in Olivier Assayas’s Summer Hours.

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#85. Please Give

Director/Writer: Nicole Holofcener
Producers: Anthony Bregman
Distributor: Sony Pictures Classics

The Gist: This will center on a set of neighbors in the New York building, including a woman (Catherine Keener) who lives next door to a cantankerous elderly woman. It explores the interactions between Keener’s character, who owns the woman’s apartment, the woman and her two granddaughters, in what’s described as an examination of “life, death and real estate.”….(more)

Cast: Amanda Peet, Catherine Keener, Rebecca Hall and Oliver Platt.

Why is it on the list?:Fifty years from now when folks will be curious about how the modern day woman lived, how they did their “Walking and Talking” they’ll just have to have themselves a Nicole Holofcener festival. Sony Pictures Classics and I both seem to appreciate how she examines different neurosis among the estrogen segment of the population and her employment of go-to muse Catherine Keener. I’m guessing this is a continuation of the central theme examined in Olivier Assayas’s Summer Hours.

Release Date/Status?: Will be showcased at Sundance, before opening on April 23rd.


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