
Top 100 Most Anticipated Films of 2012: #86. Ang Lee’s Life of Pi

We believe that the big screen adaptation of Yann Martel’s award winning novel had their man when Jean-Pierre Jeunet was assigned to the director’s chair. But Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’s Ang Lee is no slouch either. Unlike the huge support behind Peter Jackson’s film, in the month of December we’re much more willing to go into CGI, IMAX and 3D waters with Lee and that is taking into account his epic failure of a feature in Taking Woodstock.

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#86. Life of Pi

Director: Ang Lee
Writer: David Magee
Producers: Lee, Gil Netter and David Womark
Distributor: 20th Century Fox

The Gist: “Pi” follows a 16-year-old Indian boy whose passage to a new life in America aboard a freighter ends in shipwreck in the Pacific. Left to fend for himself for 227 days on a 26-foot life raft with a hyena, an orangutan, an injured zebra and a 450-pound Bengal tiger named Richard Parker, Pi survives for the better part of a year through faith and guile, though Richard eventually kills off and dines on the rest of Pi’s shipmates...(more)

Cast: Tobey Maguire, Irrfan Khan, Tabu and introducing Suraj Sharma

List Worthy Reasons…: We believe that the big screen adaptation of Yann Martel’s award winning novel had their man when Jean-Pierre Jeunet was assigned to the director’s chair. But Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon‘s Ang Lee is no slouch either. Unlike the huge support behind Peter Jackson’s film, in the month of December we’re much more willing to go into CGI, IMAX and 3D waters with Lee and that is taking into account his epic failure of a feature in Taking Woodstock.

Release Date/Status?: One week after Hobbit, 20th Century Fox releases this on December 21st.


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