
Top 100 Most Anticipated Films of 2012: #90. Michel Gondry’s The We and the I

Combine the faux individual and group filmmaking inventiveness in Be Kind Rewind, the community spirit found in Dave Chappelle’s Block Party along with Gondry’s habitual playfulness found in all his work (both theatrical, commercial and video) and with this project you’ve got the DIY essence that makes the French filmmaker a creative person you keep revisiting despite the occasional misstep (aka The Green Hornet). Experimental in design, this one comes from the Bronx – and like Scorsese’s Hugo, demonstrates an auteur’s passion for cinema.

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#90. The We and the I

Director: Michel Gondry
Writers: Gondry, Paul Proch and Partizan’s Jeffrey Grimshaw
Producers: Raffi Adlan and Georges Bermann
Distributor: Rights Available

The Gist: There is no official synopsis yet, this is pieced from interviews @ ThePlaylist: Gondry’s team interviewed participants from youth programs at The Point, Go Girl, Bronx Defenders and area high schools, asking them to describe important moments in their lives, then to act out these stories, improvising short sketches. This centers on a group of school kids who accidentally travel into the future to discover another machine that keeps people younger. “It’s about the group effect, how people in groups transform when the group is dislocated, because everyone jumps out of the bus at different times, there is a smaller group and how the relationships evolve.”…(more)

Cast: Non professional actors.

List Worthy Reasons…: Combine the faux individual and group filmmaking inventiveness in Be Kind Rewind, the community spirit found in Dave Chappelle’s Block Party along with Gondry’s habitual playfulness found in all his work (both theatrical, commercial and video) and with this project you’ve got the DIY essence that makes the French filmmaker a creative person you keep revisiting despite the occasional misstep (aka The Green Hornet). Experimental in design, this one comes from the Bronx – and like Scorsese’s Hugo, demonstrates an auteur’s passion for cinema.

Release Date/Status?: 2012. Should premiere at a festival that have supported the filmmaker in the past.


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