
Trailer Trash: The Hoax

Once we again we have the honor to share with you another edition of Marc-Andre Rouleau’s Trailer Trash. This week’s culprit: Lasse Hallstrom’s The Hoax

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The HoaxMiramax Films
Check out the trailer here.

Based on a true story about Clifford Irving getting a book about his interviews with the reclusive Howard Hughes published and subsequently going to jail for being a liar-liar-pants-on-fire.

Fascinating that they should compare the sales of the book to those of the bible, another great work of fiction (sorry, still in my Jesus Camp mood…).

Richard Gere is a handsome man.

It’s nice to see Hollywood isn’t done with their obsession with The Who. Honestly you just can’t use ‘Who Are You’ anymore without getting images of a hunky William Petersen flashing through your mind. Don’t even bother trying. And with the end tagline of ‘Would We Lie To You?’ wouldn’t it have made more sense to use the Eurythmics’ apropos titled ‘Would I Lie To You?’ Am I making zero sense here? Anyone? Even if you don’t have cable, your local service provider still shelled out for the top rated CSI like the little TV whores they are. If you’re gonna use that song at least end the super-furious ‘Tell me who are YOU? YOU! YOU!’ montage ending with Richard Gere getting an axe to the back of the skull. At least.

Richard Gere is a talented actor.

I stay locked up in my apartment 24/7 and no one wants to write a book about me. What’s that all about? What does it take? Heck, I’ll even kick it up a notch and not only wear tissue boxes on my feet but my birthday suit to boot. I call that Tuesday night. Jazz hands!

Richard Gere will someday win an Oscar.

I took a seminar held by Clifford Irving once on how to ask for million dollar raises. I think it was pretty successful because my boss thought I was such a funny guy I had him in stitches. Literally. The ambulance had to come and everything. He said the heartfelt laugh was still worth all that surgery to his busted spleen. For some reason I still lost my job, but I think they’ll come around soon enough.

With all that nothing to say, I can’t wait to be in the theatre admiring Richard Gere’s little 70’s corduroy jackets with the leather elbow patches. That’ll probably the one thing in the movie with the most onscreen charm.


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