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Festival du Nouveau Cinéma 2006 Preview

The Festival du Nouveau Cinéma de Montréal presents its 35th edition from October 18 to 28. On the menu: 189 films from 39 countries, handpicked to bring you the very best of this year’s movies.

I ON OSCARS or The 2006 Live Oscar Blog!!! Glee!!!!

It's all said and done and Michelle Williams stole the show. Read on true believers.

Oscar Pools: Begin!

My annual slumber party is underway in the form of the fabled Academy Awards on Sunday, March 5th, that time of the year when me...

Sundance: Docu Competitions

This year is covering the 2006 edition of the Sundance Film Festival LIVE from Park City, Utah. We’ll be on hand to cover the festival, and while we won’t be able to cover everything from A to Z: here is a comprehensive beforehand look at the selections in each of the festival’s sections. (Note: To access individual preview pages, simply click on the links below)

Interview: Cillian Murphy

Marcello Paolillo met with helmer Neil Jordan and actors Cillian Murphy and Stephen Rea in New York. Cillian Murphy Q: How did you prepare for...


Oh, Canada | Review