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Top 100 Most Anticipated American Indie Films of 2018: #25. Nicolas Pesce’s Piercing

Piercing Borrowing from Takashi Miike’s Audition (seminal J Horror film) source material, Nicolas Pesce had time to dress, finesse his highly anticipated sophomore film and...

Top 100 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2018: #96. Martin Zandvliet’s The Outsider

The Outsider Danish filmmaker Martin Zandvliet scored his first international success with his third feature, 2015’s tense WWII film Land of Mine (read review), which competed in...

2018 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: Nicolas Pesce’s Piercing

We're honestly a little surprised that Nicolas Pesce's highly anticipated sophomore film didn't drop in 2017 as filming took place earlier in the year. As...

Basic Instinct: Wasikowska & Christoper Abbott Topline Pesce’s “Piercing”

Making it back to back years, team Borderline folks didn't waste much time pushing the career of their protégé. After turning heads and churning...

Top 100 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2017: # 82. Martin Zandvliet’s The Outsider

The Outsider Director: Martin Zandvliet Writer: Andrew Baldwin Danish filmmaker Martin Zandvliet scored his first international success with his third feature, 2015’s tense WWII film Land of...


The Order | Review