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Festival du Nouveau Cinéma 2006 Preview

The Festival du Nouveau Cinéma de Montréal presents its 35th edition from October 18 to 28. On the menu: 189 films from 39 countries, handpicked to bring you the very best of this year’s movies.

Mont Tremblant Film Festival

There was a small blurb published in last week’s Time magazine that counted (on many fingers) the number of film festivals in North America....


The Girl With the Needle | Review

Casa de los Babys: von Horn Hits a Bleak...

Power Alley (Levante) | Review

That Time of the Month: Halla Offers Ringside Seats...

The Seed of the Sacred Fig | Review

Way of the Gun: Rasoulof’s Bold, Blunt Indictment of...

Queer | Review

(Disem)Body Talk: Guadagnino Pays Homage to the Paradoxical Beat...