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Cannes 08: International Critics’ Week Line Up

Critic’s Week is a smaller-in-scope, parallel event that might come across as Cannes' least desirable, but the fact is: this is a sidebar that manages to offer some solid debut and second time efforts. Last year, the Espace Miramar (a serious walk from the traffic jams of the festival core) was overwhelmed by salivating fans awaiting the solo screening for Gael Garcia Bernal debut film Déficit,

2015 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: Matt Ross’ Captain Fantastic

Unlike say a micro-budgeted indie with enough coin in the backend for post-production, chances are slim that this modestly priced indie with A-list cast...


The Order | Review

Oh, Canada | Review

Pieces of a Man: Schrader Explores Atonement in Toned...

Nightbitch | Review

All About My Mother: Amy Adams Goes to the...

The Girl With the Needle | Review

Casa de los Babys: von Horn Hits a Bleak...

Power Alley (Levante) | Review

That Time of the Month: Halla Offers Ringside Seats...