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2009 Sundance Film Selections: U.S. Documentary Competition

Take a look at the top documentary films of 2008 and the commonality you'll find between them is that they had their starts at the festival in the mountains of Utah. One thing we can expect are for many of these docs to have a long, prosperous life in 2009 with a good portion of these having been supported and workshopped in the docu labs at Sundance. I'm hoping to at least catch one half of the sixteen offered.


The Girl With the Needle | Review

Casa de los Babys: von Horn Hits a Bleak...

Power Alley (Levante) | Review

That Time of the Month: Halla Offers Ringside Seats...

The Seed of the Sacred Fig | Review

Way of the Gun: Rasoulof’s Bold, Blunt Indictment of...

Queer | Review

(Disem)Body Talk: Guadagnino Pays Homage to the Paradoxical Beat...