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Olin’s The Angel and Samantha Morton’s The Unloved among TIFF’s 21 Discovery Titles

It's world cinema at your fingertips. TIFF have announced 21 offerings for their Discovery sidebar mostly gathered from international film festivals not including Berlin, Venice or Cannes. Among the 21, we find seven world premieres from the likes of Margreth Olin (The Angel) and J.Blakeson (The Disappearance of Alice Creed).

Exclusive: François Girard’s Silk Poster One Sheet

Judging by the title translation - many of you folks will see that this is not the official Picturehouse Films' U.S one sheet, but you might...

Most anticipated of ’07: 10-01

The “auteurist theory” is put into practice in our final TEN – and not surprisingly, 4 of the top 10 projects I’d wait in a line to see on opening day have no distributor in place for the U.S market. The ten filmmakers (make that 11 with the Coens) represent a global sampling of what one might consider challenging cinema. I hoped that you enjoyed this top 10, and same time next year we should have some talk backs/forums so you guys can tell me what was omitted. Bon cinema!

Silky Smooth

“Silk”, an Alessandro Baricco novel whose rights for the movie were acquired by Picturehouse and New Line. It tells the story of Herve Joncour, a 19th Century France married silkworm smuggler who travels to Japan to procure his surreptitious cargo. He begins a torrid love affair with a European woman, a concubine of a local baron, with whom he becomes obsessed. Without speaking the same language they communicate through letters, and even through the war their unrequited passion endures, and then the fit hits the proverbial shan as Herve’s wife becomes suspicious.


The Girl With the Needle | Review

Casa de los Babys: von Horn Hits a Bleak...

Power Alley (Levante) | Review

That Time of the Month: Halla Offers Ringside Seats...