Acquisitions – Indie Films

The Orchard Had a Little…: Partridge’s “Lamb” to Receive 2016 Release

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The Orchard are still adding to their SXSW shopping cart as IndieWIRE reports that the distributor has landed the North American, UK and Australian and New Zealand rights to Ross Partridge’s Lamb. Slaying SXSW auds and garnering all-around positive reviews (including our site), the drama recently won Sarasota Film Fest’s Independent Visions award. The drama looks set for more film fest exposure before receiving an eventual 2016 theatrical release.

Gist: Based on the novel by Bonnie Nadzam, hoping to regain some faith in his own goodness, he turns his attention to Tommie (Oona Laurence), an awkward and unpopular 11-year-old girl. Lamb is convinced that he can help her avoid a destiny of apathy and emptiness, and takes Tommie for a road trip from Chicago to the Rockies, planning to initiate her into the beauty of the mountain wilderness.

Worth Noting: Ross Partridge, the actor turned director will net be seen in Billy Ray’s (remake of Juan José Campanella’s ’09 Oscar winner) the  Secret in Their Eyes.

Do We Care?: Our Nicholas Bell is a big fan of Laurence’s breakout perf stating “her vehement yet dysfunctional attachment to Lamb is exactly the emotional depth that makes its final frames as believable as they are aggravating.”

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