Foreign Film News

2014 TIFF: Maxime Giroux’s Félix et Meira

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Following the Toronto International Film Festival (Contemporary World Cinema competition) world premiere (it would quickly move onto an Official Selection at the San Sebastian Film Festival) writer-director Maxime Giroux and trio of featured actors Hadas Yaron, Martin Dubreuil and Luzer Twersky took part in a jovial, post-screening Q&A for Félix et Meira. I called this drama romance an “improbability of the hypothetically tinged union arguably makes this akin to science fiction matter, the apolitical, unified titular observational drama moves beyond the losing religious faith template with its moving, lingering anti-loquacious stance“. The multi-language film would quickly get snapped up for distribution via Oscilloscope (lands theatrically today, 04.17) and it swooned the Toronto audience on hand. In the Q&A we gain insight into the production, and the anecdotal complexities and risks involved in shooting exterior shots with actors in character.

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