
Top Posters of 2010: #4. The Social Network

Probably the most discussed piece of movie artwork in 2010, the Kellerhouse folks once again prove that they are in the know, and in the now with this campaign. How many other movie poster campaigns can you think of where the film’s title isn’t a dominant feature?

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4. The Social Network (U.S Theatrical Poster)


Distributor: Columbia Pictures
Tagline: “You don’t get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies”
Comments: Probably the most discussed piece of movie artwork in 2010, the Kellerhouse folks once again prove that they are in the know, and in the now with this campaign. How many other movie poster campaigns can you think of where the film’s title isn’t a dominant feature? Here it is almost invisible next to Jesse Eisenberg’s Mark Zuckerberg mug shot-like face and the massive font of the tagline. The blue, distinctly facebookish band, nearly disappears while you read the tagline, but then it slowly appears and when you finally see it and twist your head to read it, you can’t help but smile. The subtlety is not a negative. This poster is brilliant. Daring, serious and silly all at once. The near dumbfounded look on Jesse’s face, staring through the pane of text like a deer in the headlights or a genius on a war path. I “Like”.


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