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What’s Up Doc? Top 100: Park City, Psihoyos, Greene & Greenfield Launch 2018 Doc Season

Documentary filmmaking commonly doesn’t afford much celebrity status to its creators that works of fiction benefit from, this, combined with the scarcity of info...

What’s Up Doc?: Park City Premieres From Pennebaker/ Hegedus, Herzog & Greene Help Bring In The New Year

Having started this doc tracking project back in the summer of 2014, its been incredibly fascinating to see the development of these films and...

Roots Canada: TIFF Adds Latest From Dolan, Maxime Giroux, Ruba Nadda & Rodrigue Jean

The luxurious banquet hall in Toronto's Royal York hotel was electric with excitement as TIFF senior programmers including Steve Gravestock and Agata Smoluch Del...

European Film Awards: Volver vs. Lives of Others

Founded in 1988, the European Film Academy currently unites 1,700 European film professionals with the common aim of promoting Europe's film culture. Here are this year's noms....


Oh, Canada | Review

Nightbitch | Review