Film Festivals

2017 Cannes Critics’ Panel Day 9: Sergei Loznitsa Seeks Justice with A Gentle Creature

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With the competition coming to a close, one stand out filmmaker who has been supported by the fest but has yet to land any prizes is Ukrainian helmer Sergei Loznitsa. 2010’s My Joy was the road trip from hell, and 2012’s In the Fog was the catch 22 from hell, so what were to happen if you combine the two? You perhaps get the allegorical, fairytale like, socio-political film that is A Gentle Creature.

Having double dipped in 2014 with Bridges of Sarajevo and Maidan, his third fictional feature inspired by a Dostoyevsky short story enlarges the sense of incarceration beyond prison bars. Our critics panel was divided into the “da” and “net” camps. Here is the most recent grid update below. Click on the grid below for a larger version. Tomorrow: We get the grades for our last three films from the nineteen.

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