Foreign Film News

Conjugal Bliss: Sophie Letourner’s “Voyages en Italie” Part of Future Trilogy

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This past weekend we had the chance to chat with French filmmaker Sophie Letourner on her Rotterdam-preemed Voyages en Italie (which was released domestically in France in March and is currently popping up on the international film festival circuit) and we learned that there’ll be a part two and three. Letourner has the screenplay and blue-print currently in place, and will likely spend 2024 financing the project and casting members of the family. Philippe Katerine will be back in the fold as Jean-Philippe – the father and husband who would definitely much prefer to visit Italy over Spain. The second instalment puts the focus on the children – also going on vacation. We imagine the earliest we might see this would be for 2025.

Voyages en Italie is about a French couple burnt out by the routine of their daily family life decides after much hesitation to travel to Sicily for a short holiday. Voyages en Italie depicts the neuroses and eccentricities of Jean-Philippe and Sophie, the gracious dynamics of their relationship and the depth of their affection and intimacy.


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