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Promo Art for Sarah Polley’s Take this Waltz

Filming begins this July on Sarah Polley's sophomore project, Take this Waltz - a project that will lense in Toronto and which has a great chance, if rushed of course, to be shown at Sundance next January. We've got a more complete description of the synopsis below, some promo art work and one casting item that hasn't been mentioned much is that Michelle Williams' love interest will be Canadian actor Luke Kirby

Genies: Lucky seven for Sarah Polley’s Away From Her and Cronenberg’s Eastern Promises

It was a non-Egoyan kind of year at this year's equivalent to the Academy Awards, but "Egoyan-apprentice" Sarah Polley managed to leave a long-lasting...

2022 NYFF: James Ivory, Martin Scorsese, Schrader’s She Said, Chukwu’s Till, & Polley’s Women Talking in Spotlight Section

And finally, it is the New York Film Festival that will have lassoed the highly anticipated world premiere to Maria Schrader’s She Said. Initially,...

2022 Toronto Intl. Film Festival: 100 Predictions (Part III) Chen, Frears, Zeller, Lafleur, Spielberg & Polley

And here we are with the third part in our top 100 predictions. Chad Chenouga's third feature film Le Principal might be one of those...

Oppenheimer’s The Act of Killing & Polley’s Stories We Tell Among 2013 IDA Award Noms

Joshua Oppenheimer and Sarah Polley's respective docs have begun their year-end duke out for best docu of 2013. The International Documentary Association’s IDA Awards...


2025 January Screenwriters Lab: Lana Wilson, Diffan Sina Norman & Alexandra Qin Among Fellows

A pair of filmmakers who we thought struck gold...