Film Festivals

Video: Aneesh Chaganty’s Searching | 2018 Sundance Film Festival

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A desktop dramatic thriller that works as a relatable and palpable cautionary tale, on paper and conceptually speaking, Aneesh Chaganty‘s debut film should be weighted down by gimmick-like constraints, but as future auds will instantly grasp from the get-go, Search is rather genius in design, and while “stationary” in design and surprisingly warm in tone. Minus the major players involved, we were on hand for the film’s second screening in Park City, with the production team on hand for a rather pumped up post screening Q&A with an animated Chaganty being joined by co-scribe and producer Sev Ohanian, producer Natalie Qasabian  and the rest of the crew including the film’s editors who know a thing or two about hard drives crashing and rendering hell.

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