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2022 Sundance Film Festival: Phyllis Nagy, Lena Dunham, Jesse Eisenberg, John Patton Ford & Hazanavicius Fill Premieres Section

In the Premieres section you'll usually find a mix of studio unveilings and high profile acquisitions titles and in the almost equal split between...

2022 Sundance Film Festival: Riley Stearns, Nikyatu Jusu, Mariama Diallo, Cooper Raiff & Bradley Rust Gray in the U.S. Dramatic Comp Section

In 2022, ten lucky titles/filmmakers will be vying for the big daddy prize of them all in the Sundance Film Festival's Grand Jury Prize...

2022 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: Jesse Eisenberg’s When You Finish Saving the World

Everyone knows the actor, but we might have to think of him differently in the year ahead. Jesse Eisenberg's When You Finish Saving the...

2022 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: Geoff Marslett’s The Boardinghouse Reach

It always feels like a W in the win column when Geoff Marslett puts a film out there in the world -- life as...

2022 Sundance Film Festival Predictions: Sophie Hyde’s Good Luck to You, Leo Grande

It may become a once, twice, and third selection is a charm for filmmaker Sophie Hyde this coming January. The Aussie helmer saw her...
