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No ‘Departures’ for Academy

So how does Yojiro Takita's Departures (Okuribito) beat out heavy favorites Israel's Waltz With Bashir and France's The Class? Smart pick ups and adequate marketing plans just don't cut it when it comes to promoting titles for Oscar campaigns and Sony Pictures Classics seemed to have botched, undersold both titles the moment the final five titles were announced.

6 Sundance docs among Oscar’s 15 shortlist

As usual, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences' makes a shortlist of doc films, leaves many popular titles out in the cold, has weird rules that take out many quality films from the competition (Waltz with Bashir and Up the Yangtze) and brings attention to titles that I haven’t a clue where they come from.

Two docu titles worth considering from the Full Frame Documentary Film Fest

Tia Lessin and Carl Deal's Trouble the Water and James Marsh's Man on Wire are a couple of titles that come with the Sundance...

Celluloid Dreams feel the ‘Betrayal’

Folks at Celluloid Dreams have taken the world rights (excluding N.America) to the Sundance/Berlin film festival favorite, the 23-year docu project called Nerakhoon (The...

Sundance Film Festival 2008: Documentary Competition Lineup

New works from documentary filmmaker faves in Alex Gibney (Gonzo: The Life and Times of Hunter Thompson), Margaret Brown (The Order of Myths) and Patrick Creadon (I.O.U.S.A.) and many first time doc filmmakers make up the section in this year's documentary Comp lineup. I don't count many Iraq-war related items listed below, telling us that the doc vague of such films is officially D.O.A.. Well be adding the preview pages for the film shortly.
