Tag: 2014 Cannes Critics' Panel

2014 Cannes Critics’ Panel Predictions: Palme d’Or Toss Up Between “Deux Jours, Une Nuit” & “Mommy”

Last year our Cannes Critics' Panel accurately predicted how the Steven Spielberg jury would vote. Will we repeat it this year with the...

2014 Cannes Critics’ Panel Day 9: Assayas Doubles Down with “Sils Maria” & Zvyagintsev Drinks to Sweet Tragic Notes with “Leviathan”

Cannes - May 23rd Sunny Day 9 And just like that, the Cannes Film Festival is coming to an end. Tomorrow is when the awards...

2014 Cannes Critics’ Panel Day 8: Loach Breaks out in Dance for “Jimmy’s Hall” & Dolan’s “Mommy” Receives Excellent Ratio Among Critics

May 22nd - Rainy Thursday in Cannes. It appears that both the oldest, and the youngest filmmakers in the Main Comp happen to be those...

2014 Cannes Critics’ Panel Day 6: Dardennes Receive a Bonus with “Two Days, One Night” & “Still the Water” Floats

Cannes May 20th - Day 6. Past the midway point, this morning's 8:30 a.m. screening proved that The Dardennes might be the first to three-peat....

2014 Cannes Critics’ Panel Day 5: Miller’s Foxcatcher is Gold Medal Greek Tragedy & Cronenberg’s Maps to the Stars Charts Familiar/Familial Grounds

Cannes Monday 19th - Despite its rather grim subject matter and ultimate denounement, the reception was warm and positive for this morning's 8:30 a.m. Grand...

2014 Cannes Critics’ Panel Day 4 | “Homesman” is Strong Marriage Material & Rohrwacher Farms a Solid Sophomore Pic with “The Wonders”

Due to some unfortunate circumstances (laptop's hard drive went kaput), I wasn't able to update our grid for Day 3, but we're finally back...

2014 Cannes Critics’ Panel Day 2: No Sweet Hereafter Found in Egoyan’s “The Captive” & Ceylan Shines with Gender Role Malaise in “Winter Sleep”

Cannes - Friday May 16th The first title out of the gate at this morning's 8:30 a.m. showing was the first of three Canadian films...

2014 Cannes Critics’ Panel Day 1: Leigh Paints Strong Canvas with “Mr. Turner” & Sissako’s Mixes Humor & Sorrow in “Timbuktu”

According to our Cannes Critics' Panel, it may not top Topsy Turvy, but Mike Leigh's 2 plus hour portrait starring Timothy Stall paints a strong...

Live from Cannes 2014: Meet Our Cannes Critics’ Panel

Jeez. Time sure does fly by. It's hard to fathom that we're now in year number four with our world film critic on the...
