Outclassing Venice this year in terms of quantity (and we'll soon see in perhaps quality), 2013's Toronto International Film Festival's Vanguard section sees programmer...
The German sales co. known for providing the fest circuit and art-house plexes with subtitled stuff from around the globe will set fire to the Director's Fortnight section this year. If I'm counting right, the Match Factory supply the section with a trio of titles (five total in the fest) including the much discussed on this site Cam Archer's sophomore feature, and they nabbed a Main Comp spot for one of the most celebrated directors of the decade in Apichatpong Weerasethakul latest – a sort of “ghost” story.
I had a really great time at Sundance, and have to say that for the most part, every film I saw was a pretty solid effort from the filmmakers. There were a few that really impressed me, and a few that didn’t. Here’s an overview of how I spent my time in Park City: