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Top 100 Most Anticipated Films of 2010: David O. Russell’s The Fighter

The rags-to-riches, come from behind boxing ring narrative has been overdone, and while nothing has come close to stealing the title away from the Jake La Motta biopic (Million Dollar Baby was crap folks), if the performances are spot on, if Russell gives this biography a different tapestry (apparently he shrunk the timeline from 30 to 3 years) then we'll gain more insight in why this originally attracted the Darren Aronofskys and the Brad Pitts).

David O. Russell Charting Teenage Rom Com Waters

After making political films, existential mindf*cks and then getting “nailed” by production woes, I can understand why David O. Russell might want to hit the "off" switch and take on something less demanding after-all, the teenage rom com seems to be the more popular menu du jour item these days. Aaron and Sarah will be produced by Dan Jinks and Bruce Cohen.

Gyllenhall & Biel ‘Nailed’ by David O. Russell

Jake Gyllenhaal and Jessica Biel are being lined up for the leading roles in David O. Russell's latest, the political satire Nailed. O'Russell is...

Tracking Shot February 2013: O. Russell, Egoyan, Amy Berg, Gareth Evans & Mark Jackson

“Tracking Shot” is a monthly featurette here on that looks at a dozen or so projects that are moments away from lensing. This...
