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Top 100 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2021: #7. Ruben Östlund’s Triangle of Sadness

Triangle of Sadness Produced by Erik Hemmendorff, Philippe Bober Directed by Ruben Östlund Written by Ruben Östlund Starring: Harris Dickinson, Charlbi Dean, Woody Harrelson Cinematographer: Fredrik Wenzel   Release Date/Prediction: A...

Interview: Ruben Östlund (The Square)

This weekend, Magnolia Pictures release Swedish auteur Ruben Östlund's latest film, The Square. Winner of this year's Palme d'Or at the 70th Cannes Film...

2017 Cannes Critics’ Panel Day 4: Ruben Ostlund Tumbles Up the Stairs with The Square

He received an earlier screening late last night and has been consider the buzz title (mostly for better) and mentioned in the same breathe...

Top 100 Most Anticipated Foreign Films of 2017: #19. Ruben Ostlund’s The Square

The Square Director: Ruben Ostlund Writer: Ruben Ostlund While plans are underway for an English language remake of Swedish director Ruben Ostlund’s internationally lauded Force Majeure (2014),...

In Case of No Emergency: The Films of Ruben Östlund

The first ever retrospective of Swedish filmmaker Ruben Östlund’s work which opens at the at the Film Society Lincoln Center this Wednesday and began its tour...
